With the end of the summer holidays approaching and the reopening of American universities, the...
Ayatollah Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a letter addressed to the...
Yuram Abdullah Weiler also tells the Tehran Times that “any criticism of the Israeli government...
at least 50 professors have been arrested at pro-Palestinian campus demonstrations across the US.
The students are calling for an end to Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza and demanding schools...
The Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei's letter to the youth in the...
To gain a deeper understanding of this situation, the Tehran Times reached out to Dr. Jody...
In many universities across the US, pro-Palestinian rallies, sit-ins and police clampdowns on...
Khatibi states that the doors of Iranian universities are open to all people who were denied or...
Iranian students wrote a letter to American students and read it in a video.
you were told that our religion is a religion of violence and is against freedom. This was not...
Hundreds of people have been arrested since the protests first erupted at Columbia University in...
TEHRAN, Apr. 25 (MNA) – In a shameful act, the US police detained several students participating...