2023-12-19 22:52
News Code: 491286

Iran Demands Probe into Reports of Israel Burying Palestinians Alive in Gaza

Iran Demands Probe into Reports of Israel Burying Palestinians Alive in Gaza

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kana’ani called for an investigation over the burial alive of people at the hands of the Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip.

 to report «iusnews»; Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kana’ani called for an investigation over the burial alive of people at the hands of the Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip.

Several photos and videos shared on social media show people crushed under the rubble in the courtyard of Kamal Adwan Hospital – one of the 11 hospitals still functioning inside Gaza since Israel launched its military onslaught on October 7. Doctors and witnesses have also confirmed the reports.

In a post on X on Monday, Kana’ani said the footage published following the retreat of the Israeli military from Kamal Adwan show that "some wounded people were buried alive in the hospital grounds by bulldozers.

"International investigation into the matter is a must,” he added.

Palestinian Health Minister Mai Alkaila has stated information and testimonies collected from eyewitnesses, medical teams and media crews indicate that the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) buried Palestinians alive in the hospital’s courtyard.

Thousands of civilians were seeking medical treatment and shelter in the Gaza hospitals from relentless Israeli bombardment.

"After the killing of hundreds of Palestinians and the Zionists' preventing the bodies from being taken out, the Al-Shafa Hospital has turned into a mass grave," Kana'ani also wrote.

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