2023-09-26 11:04
News Code: 482879

In the statement of thousands of professors of Iranian universities, it was mentioned;

6000 Iranian university professors: We condemn the US government's sanctions/ We thank President Rayeesi for his revolutionary positions in the United Nations

6000 Iranian university professors: We condemn the US government's sanctions/ We thank President Rayeesi for his revolutionary positions in the United Nations

In conclusion, we thank and appreciate the efforts of the statesmen in pursuing the solution of the country's economic problems and the revolutionary positions of President Raisi in the United Nations.

to report «iusnews»; More than 6,000 professors from universities across the country issued a statement announcing the readiness of the universities to open the new academic year as grandly as possible and thanked President Raisi for his revolutionary speech.

The professors of the university said: The enemy's hope for the university has turned into despair due to the awakening of the nation and dear students, and the dream of ill-wishers of the Iranian nation will never be interpreted to bring unrest back to the university.

The full text of the statement is as follows:

"in the name of God

Go out with light and heavy equipment and fight in the way of God with your property and lives, which is better for you if you know. (Holy Qur'an/Surah Towbah/verse 41)

With endless greetings to the noble souls of high-ranking martyrs from the beginning of Islam to Karbala Hosseini, from the martyrs of the Islamic Revolution and holy defense to the martyrs defending the shrine and health, especially the oppressed martyrs of security and peace to the proud nation of Iran, the symmetry of the days and holidays of Rabi, especially the beginning The Imamate of Hazrat Baqiyatullah Al-Azam (A.S.), Unity Week and Holy Defense Week, with the reopening of universities, promises a blessed, cheerful, hopeful and faith-building part of the academic year for the education and learning of teachers and students and the scientific growth of the country.

We, a group of professors from universities all over the country, while renewing our allegiance to the precious martyrs, the ideals of Imam Rahal Azim al-Shan and the wise leader of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khamenei (Madazla Al-Aali) and congratulating the beginning of the academic year to all the respected professors and dear students of our country, the full preparation of the university community. Dear Professors, Managers, Heads and Staff, we have announced and emphasize the following for opening the new academic year as gloriously as possible:

1- In line with the scientific growth of the country, the progress of Islamic Iran and the flourishing of the talent of the youth of this country, we will not spare any effort and by holding regular classes and educational and research programs, we will not allow anyone to influence the discipline of the university. .

2- The enemy's hope for the university has turned into despair due to the awakening of the nation and dear students, and the dream of ill-wishers of the Iranian nation will never be interpreted to bring unrest back to the university. According to their own admission, their sinister plan to create street tensions and urban disturbances in the past days failed.

3- At the same time, we consider it necessary and necessary to defend the dignity and rights of the professorial community for everyone, especially the university officials, and we request the custodians of the matter, especially the officials of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, while providing accurate and enlightening information about the lies of the controversialists, all their efforts. to solve the problems of the professorial community, this cultured, future-creating and caring stratum of the country.

4- In addition, we ask the disciplinary board of the university to take a close look at the situation of the professors who, with their brevity and silence regarding the facts, created the grounds for domestic and foreign media to be suspicious, or those professors who For some reason, they try to incite against the system and the nation and confuse the public mind, they should be dealt with according to the rules of the university. Also, we expect the judicial system to take a decisive and immediate action against the controversy of media creators, especially those who, with fake headlines, tried to disturb the public's mind and reduce the dignity of professors.

5- With the increase in media literacy and the familiarization of students with the cognitive warfare tactics of the enemy, the field of abuse of the university has decreased, and we, the professors, have spared no effort to explain the facts and expose the lies of the enemy media, and the university has been a pioneer in the direction of fulfilling the definite and urgent duty of jihad of clarification. we bring to the fore.

6- Also, prepare yourself to fulfill the orders and wishes of the wise leader of the Islamic Revolution among the warriors and martyrs of the holy defense, especially solving all the problems and problems of the country by the Iranian youth, modeling the defense and jihadi management of the holy defense to rule the country as well as possible, expanding the borders of resistance. And we announce the greatness and achievements of eight years of self-defence of the Iranian people.

7- By condemning the recent actions of the American government in boycotting the media and several personalities of our country, we remind the Western governments that with such harmful actions, they will not be able to distract the public opinion of the nations, especially the people of the United States and Europe, from the important facts such as the failure of the West in combined warfare. Against Iran, the need to implement the provisions of the JCPOA to cancel arms embargoes of the Islamic Republic of Iran within the next few days, the ineffectiveness of unilateral and multilateral Western sanctions, especially in the sale of oil, the liberalization of a part of Iran's oil revenues without revitalizing the JCPOA, the diminution of the role of the dollar In the economy of many countries, including Islamic Iran, they create distortions.

8- In the following, we would like to remind you about some misunderstanding and bad taste political currents, although legal action against elements without scientific qualification, undesirable and disrupting order and peace is considered a natural right of any political system and management group, but when you know that an action in This has not been done, it is not necessary to create statistics by including the names of retired, resigned, retired professors and even professors who are still serving, to provide propaganda fodder for the enemies of the nation and to surf the waves of political bankrupts.

In conclusion, we thank and appreciate the efforts of the statesmen in pursuing the solution of the country's economic problems and the revolutionary positions of President Raisi in the United Nations.
We thank the people for their seriousness in confronting the enmities of the West, especially the efforts to create riots, and we assure all the sympathizers of the country and those loyal to Islamic Iran that the university will never become a center for militancy against Islamic Iran. Universities will continue to be leaders and pioneers in gaining national honors, Islamic awakening and anti-arrogance.

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