2023-10-31 20:25
News Code: 486468

Iranian Teachers Strongly Condemn Israeli Atrocities Against Palestinians

Iranian Teachers Strongly Condemn Israeli Atrocities Against Palestinians

Iranian teachers penned a letter to their colleagues across the world over the recent development in the Gaza Strip, and described the Israeli war on the Palestinian territory as a test for politicians, rulers, scientists, artists and teachers.

 to report «iusnews»; Iranian teachers penned a letter to their colleagues across the world over the recent development in the Gaza Strip, and described the Israeli war on the Palestinian territory as a test for politicians, rulers, scientists, artists and teachers.

“We all are aware that Gaza is going through difficult times. Being brutally bombarded by the Zionists, the people of Gaza are in deep trouble, thousands of children have lost their lives in the arms of their mothers, and tens of thousands of other mothers and children are facing the danger of untimely cruel death,” they wrote.

“For some time now, the joyous cries of the children and teenagers of Gaza in their schools have been replaced by heartbreaking groans of being under the ruins of the barbaric bombardments,” they added.

The teachers wrote that all these tragedies are happening before the eyes of the world that has forgotten about “morality, humanity, and human values”.

Deploring the Israeli actions in Gaza as a major crime, they stressed that “what is happening in Gaza today is also a test of the humanness of the present age man; a test for politicians, rulers, men of power, scientists, artists, and most importantly teachers”.

They slammed “a large part of the world’s politicians” for failed in the test.

“A group of them have turned a blind eye to the ongoing crimes and adopted silence and another group are smiling at the perpetrators and leaders of the Zionist child-killing regime and are directly and indirectly supporting the Zionists,” they added.

Iranian teachers called on their colleague to adhere to their “mission of protecting human values”.

“We have a responsibility towards the phenomenon of genocide in Gaza, and most importantly, we are responsible for preventing the mutilation of human values. We are witnessing that the majority of media, controlled by major powers of the world, are distorting the realities of one of the most horrific tragedies in human history,” they wrote.

“It is our responsibility to enlighten the world public opinion and convey the truth about the atrocities taking place in Gaza. Moreover, the responsibility of enlightening students and the young generation is upon us; a generation whose peaceful, justice-based, and fraternal coexistence in the whole world is tied to awareness, standing for truth, and the courage arising from the depth of their being. We, the teachers of the world, can, along with our students shout against the horrifying tragedies that are taking place; A loud cry that can make those who are silent ashamed and make the supporters of these crimes worried,” they said.

“Soft power is in our hands, our responsibility demands that as human beings we use the power of our words in the path of healing the pains and sufferings of the people of Gaza and awakening the sleeping conscience of the governments and politicians of our countries and challenge their policies so that there would be no more Gaza in the future,” the teachers noted.

They stressed the necessary to talk with the teachers who believe in the religion of Prophet Moses (PBUH).

“By misusing the Jewish religion as a tool, Zionism is destroying the very foundations of this ancient and monotheistic religion and this issue doubles the responsibility of the teachers who are the true believers in Judaism,” they said.

“In the end, it would not be inappropriate to remember one truth, and that is that Gaza will remain, Gaza will surpass these sufferings, as it has gone through similar atrocities throughout history, and, just as before, will remain proud and honored, again. Today, the voice of Gaza’s survival is more evident than at any other time in the bloodied faces, smoke-filled throats, and clenched teeth of the people of Gaza. Yes, Gaza will surpass these hardships and will remain; in the same that Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Halabja have remained. In the meantime, another truth that is being revealed is that Zionism and all its supporters, in whatever position they may be, will soon face disgrace, the collapsed debris piled on the people of Gaza will eventually be removed, and the fire that has caught the houses and homes of the people of Gaza will be extinguished, but disgrace will never be wiped out the face of global Zionism,” they concluded.

On October 7, Hamas launched a multi-pronged surprise military operation via land, sea and air. The group announced it was in response to the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem and Israeli settlers’ growing violence against Palestinians. The attacks have so far killed more than 1,400 and injured over 5,000, according to Israeli officials. Hamas also announced it is holding between at least 200 and 250 hostages.

Following the multi-front attack by Hamas, Israel carried out heavy bombardment across the Gaza Strip, killing nearly 8,0500 Palestinians, including at least 3,500 children and over 2,000 women, and wounding over 20,000 others, and levelling entire neighbourhoods.

Tel Aviv has ordered a "complete siege" of Gaza, saying it would halt its supply of electricity, food, water and fuel. Israel’s military has also ordered 1.1 million people living in Northern Gaza to evacuate their homes, amid signs it is set to ramp up its offensive.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Tel Aviv will not agree to a ceasefire with the Palestinian movement Hamas because it would mean surrender. He added Israel’s military operation in the Gaza Strip has entered its third stage which includes expanding ground operations in the enclave.

The bombing, as well as enforced displacement orders by the Israeli Army, has pushed 1.5 million people out of their homes.

The Gaza Health Ministry has confirmed that the healthcare system in the besieged territory has “totally collapsed due to the Israeli war”.

The UN agencies have warned that the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is "catastrophic", calling for more international help as conditions deteriorate in the densely populated besieged enclave.

Iranian officials say the current status in West Asia resembled a powder keg which could spiral out of control. They caution that if diplomatic efforts to stop Israeli relentless bombardment and prevent a ground offensive on Gaza are unsuccessful, there is a risk of the conflict escalating uncontrollably, with multiple regional players joining the fight.

Gaza is one of the most densely populated places on Earth, where some 2 million people live in an area of 140 square miles. It has been almost completely cut off from the rest of the world for nearly 17 years. More than half of its population lives in poverty and is food insecure, with nearly 80% of its population relying on humanitarian assistance.

Tehran says the history of the apartheid regime is full of assassinations, massacre, torture and killing of Palestinian kids, and described Tel Aviv regime's atrocities and massacre of Palestinian women and children as indicative of the destitute of Zionists. Iranian officials say the Tel Aviv regime has been struggling for more than 70 years to exit its identity crisis which has been mixed with genocide, plunder, forced displacement and scores of other inhumane moves.

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