2023-11-21 21:03
News Code: 488536

Army Chief Warns Enemies of Iran's Military Might

Army Chief Warns Enemies of Iran's Military Might

Iran's Army Commander Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi cautioned enemies not to test the will of the country’s armed forces as they are powerful enough to stand up against any act of aggression.

to report «iusnews»; Iran's Army Commander Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi cautioned enemies not to test the will of the country’s armed forces as they are powerful enough to stand up against any act of aggression.

“It has been for years that our country’s Armed Forces, including the Islamic Republic of Iran Army, have reached a level of capability that enables us to stand up against any enemy at any level and location, defeat them, and deal crushing and decisive blows that make them regret greatly if they want to conduct an act of aggression against our country,” Maj. Gen. Mousavi said on Monday, speaking at the Iranian Army Aviation combat base in the city of Kerman.

The enemies believe they should not engage in a military confrontation with Tehran as it will definitely inflict an “irreparable defeat” on them, he added.

His remarks came amid mounting concerns in the West Asia region over the risk of a regional spillover from the Gaza war.

Back in mid-July, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri underlined that the country's armed forces are at the peak of readiness to nip any act of aggression in the bud, and said it's several years now that the enemy has discarded use of the military option against his country thanks to Tehran's deterrence power.

The US and the Israeli regime have, thanks to Iran's military power, concluded that they cannot beat the Islamic Republic militarily, especially in ground warfare, he underscored.

For several years, the military chief stated, the enemies of Iran “have no longer been talking about a military option".

The senior commander stated that the Iranian military had “reached lasting deterrence and efficiency, and we have had [our capabilities] under constant watch".

“Especially when it comes to ground warfare, the global hegemony, criminal America, the Zionist regime and other enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran have drawn the conclusion that any ground war with the Islamic Republic would bring nothing but defeat and harm. They have thus changed their minds,” the top general added.

READ MORE: IRGC Commander Underlines Iran’s Full Readiness in Case of Expansion of Gaza War

Officials in Tehran stress that the Iranian nation's progress has made it stronger compared to the past, while the enemies have grown weaker, and note that the country is growing more powerful on a daily basis.

Iranian military officials have stressed that Washington has weakened to the extent that it plays no role in the West Asia region’s geopolitical landscape. They stated that Iran has defeated the US which enjoyed unrivalled hegemony in the region and the whole world before the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, but after the revolution they were forced to flee the region.

Officials in Iran say Washington cannot go ahead with its plan in the West Asia region as its schemes are doomed to fail, and add that Iran plays a key role in the political decisions of the United States and the fate of the White House is affected by Tehran's attitude.

They stressed that the recent developments in West Asia show the decline of the US power and influence, and the balance of power has long shifted against the interests of the Israeli regime.

Iranian officials have also warned that any mistake by the US and Israel will be met with Tehran's crushing and decisive response. They say Washington and Tel Aviv are well aware of Tehran’s capabilities and capacities, and caution that Tehran does not compromise or joke with its national security.

Military officials say the military power of Iran is strong, extraordinary and deterrent despite enemy sanctions and pressures, and hail the country's defense sector for its remarkable developments in the recent decades. They stress that the Iranian Armed Forces’ deterrent power dissuades the United States and Israel from implementing its threats against the country.

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