2023-12-27 21:58
News Code: 492015

Leader: West Seeks No Logic in Women Issue, Merely Looks to Profit

Leader: West Seeks No Logic in Women Issue, Merely Looks to Profit

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei underlined that the West follows no logic in the issue of women and merely seeks profit and pleasure from them.

to report «iusnews»; The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei underlined that the West follows no logic in the issue of women and merely seeks profit and pleasure from them.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a meeting with groups of women in Tehran on Wednesday in the run-up to the celebrations commemorating the birthday anniversary of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra (SA), the revered daughter of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

The Supreme Leader described the issue of women as one of Islam’s strong points, and said, "Islam has a robust and strong logic, and enjoys rational support in all areas pertaining to women.”

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that the world’s view on the issue of women is either of a Western approach or an Islamic approach, and said that the two are complete opposites as the Western approach is summed up in seeking profit and pleasure from women.

“There is one point that I think is significant, and that the cultural and civilizational system of the West is not willing to discuss such issues; it avoids entering into discussion and research,” the Supreme Leader said.

He pointed out that the western culture, the western system, the West’s civilizational and cultural system cannot debate these areas.

"The West resorts to force and fanfare as well as arts, cinema and virtual space to advance the issue of women," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

He pointed out that the West is not ready to discuss, is not willing to answer the questions. "The reason is that the West has no logic."

"A Muslim woman could not find a better role model than Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra (SA), advising women to follow the sacred figure in the fields of housekeeping, social and political activities, and wisdom and knowledge," Ayatollah Khamenei further said.

Underlining “gender justice” in the society, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “There are no restrictions on the presence of women in various managerial, political, social and cultural positions.”

Pointing to the parliamentary elections in the next two months, the Supreme Leader called on Iranian women to play an active role both at home and the society for a better introduction of candidates and a promising turnout at the polls.

In relevant remarks in February 2021, Ayatollah Khamenei congratulated the birth anniversary of Lady Fatima Zahra (PBUH), and strongly criticized Westerners’ view on women as commodities to advance their vested interests.

Ayatollah Khamenei, in a virtual meeting with eulogists, referred to the fundamental difference between Islam and the West towards women, saying, “Islam’s and the Islamic Republic’s view towards women is based on respect and dignity, while the West considers woman as a commodity and instrument.”

“Islam considers no difference between men and women with respect to divine and human values,” he said, adding that men and women each have special duties in addition to their common duties and that is why God Almighty has created their physical structure in accordance with these special duties.

“We boast of the view of Islam and we totally protest the Western view of women and lifestyle,” the Supreme Leader went on to say.

Referring to the Western propaganda that claims Islam and the Islamic hijab prevent the growth of women, Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated, “This is sheer lie and the evident proof for its being unreal is the situation of women in the Islamic Republic.”

“Iran has not seen in its history this great number of educated women and women who are active in different social, cultural, artistic, scientific, political, and economic fields and this is a result of the Islamic Republic,” the Supreme Leader highlighted.

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