2024-01-31 20:39
News Code: 495170

IRGC Chief: Iran Neither Seek Nor Fear War

IRGC Chief: Iran Neither Seek Nor Fear War

 Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami downplayed US threats against Iran amid heightened tensions over the death of three American soldiers in West Asia, stressing that Tehran is not seeking war with Washington, but it is not afraid of it either.

to report «iusnews»; Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami downplayed US threats against Iran amid heightened tensions over the death of three American soldiers in West Asia, stressing that Tehran is not seeking war with Washington, but it is not afraid of it either.

Shrugging off the US officials’ war rhetoric against Iran in recent days, Maj. Gen. Salami said, “You have already tested us. What we and you have in common is we know each other.”

His remarks came days after three American soldiers were killed and at least 40 others wounded in a drone strike on a US base near the Jordan-Syria border. President Joe Biden and US Central Command, which directs American military operations in the region, immediately blamed the attack on “radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq”, without providing any evidence.

Iran has dismissed Washington’s claim that Tehran was connected to the drone strike, describing it as a conspiracy by those who are seeking to drag the US into a new regional conflict. Tehran says the regional resistance groups do not take orders from Iran and act independently.

Since the beginning of the Israeli war on Gaza in early October, there have been around 165 attacks on US personnel and facilities in Iraq and Syria. Most of those have been claimed by regional resistance groups in support of Palestine. Washington has firmly supported the Zionist regime in its military onslaught against the besieged enclave which has so far killed 26,900 people, mainly children and civilians.

“We will not let any threat remain unanswered," the IRGC chief stressed, addressing the US authorities.

"We are not looking for a war, but are not afraid of it either. We are not warmongers, but we defend ourselves and our glory,” he added.

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