2024-02-04 17:52
News Code: 495501

Iran Warns US-Coalition Raid on Yemen Poses Threat to Regional Peace

Iran Warns US-Coalition Raid on Yemen Poses Threat to Regional Peace

 Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kana’ani strongly condemned the new wave of airstrikes by the US and the UK in Yemen, cautioning that such an act of military adventurism by Washington and its allies endangers security and stability in West Asia.

to report «iusnews»;  Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kana’ani strongly condemned the new wave of airstrikes by the US and the UK in Yemen, cautioning that such an act of military adventurism by Washington and its allies endangers security and stability in West Asia.

The diplomat on Sunday denounced the assault as a recurrent violation of Yemen’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and international law, warning that the continuation of such arbitrary measures is “a blatant act of adventurism” that poses “a worrying threat” to international peace.

“The US and UK’s wrong policy of military action against regional states for the fulfillment of their illegitimate objectives is in direct contradiction to Washington and London’s claim that they do not seek the spread of war and tensions in West Asia,” the spokesperson added.

Yemen has pledged solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip which has been under Israel’s relentless bombardment since early October, and targeted Israeli-owned and -bound merchant vessels in the Red Sea until the Zionist regime ends its ongoing war against the besieged territory which has so far claimed the lives of 27,200 Palestinians, mainly children and women. Sana'a has vowed not to stop attacking the Israeli-linked ships until the Zionist regime ends the barbaric aggression.

In response, Washington formed a military coalition against Yemeni troops in the Red Sea and endangered maritime navigation in the strategic waterway.

The US and UK, supported by several other countries, have in recent weeks carried out a series of missile strikes on several Yemeni targets. On Saturday, Washington and London launched a series of combined air- and sea-launched strikes against at least 36 targets at 13 locations across Yemen.

Yemen has warned that Washington and London's interests are "legitimate targets" for the country’s armed forces, and the airstrikes "will not remain unanswered”.

Kana’ani also slammed the US and UK’s unwavering support for Israel’s war crimes in Gaza, stressing their military actions in the region are escalating chaos, disorder, insecurity and instability with the purpose of giving leeway to the Zionist regime.

“The international community is undoubtedly responsible to hold the US and the UK accountable,” he stated.

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