2024-03-27 14:49
News Code: 499986

The letter of Iranian students to the Secretary General of the United Nations;

Either do something or resign and don't stain your hands more with the blood of the people of Gaza!

Either do something or resign and don't stain your hands more with the blood of the people of Gaza!

۳۰,۰۰۰ – These apparently simple digits are the minimum number of Palestinians whose lives have been taken by the Zionist hands backed by the logistic and financial support of the West, especially the United States since their aggression on the Gaza Strip five months ago.

to report «iusnews»; In a letter to Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, the Union of Islamic Associations of Independent Students of Universities across the country called for the condemnation of the Zionist apartheid regime and took the necessary action to immediately stop the war in Gaza and reopen the Rafah border for the transfer of all the supplies needed by the Palestinians.

The full text of the letter along with its translation is as follows:

In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful

His Excellency António Guterres

Secretary-General of the United Nations

30000 – These apparently simple digits are the minimum number of Palestinians whose lives have been taken by the Zionist hands backed by the logistic and financial support of the West, especially the United States since their aggression on the Gaza Strip five months ago.

“30000” is not just statistic on a paper, they are not numbers!

“30000” is the symbol of each and every one of the martyred women, children, and men whose blood was shed on the soil of Palestine by the war machine of the apartheid Zionist regime to preserve its evil existence just in the past five months of its 75 years of occupation. This number is the symbol of the death of humanity in our time. This number is the sign of the ineptitude of international organizations like the United Nations.

For you, it does not matter whether anyone shed blood anywhere in the world, whether it’s Aung San Suu Kyi in Yangon or Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Al-Rabi – the important thing is if the major donors to organizations such as yours do not fancy, you would not even condemn the acts of crime and refer to them as “unacceptable” or “heartbreaking”.

In more than 160 days, Zionists have attacked universities hospitals and even centers affiliated with the UN multiple times, and yet, not a single voice came out from you and some muslim-on-the-façade Persian Gulf sheiks who are allies with the US. International institutions such as the United Nations have always been a leverage for neoimperialism to further its intentions, but now these leverages have little power left in them. Years of neutrality in a case such as that of Palestine have ruined the position of this organization in the eyes of the world, and when no one values this organization, it means that the legitimacy of the UN is shattered.

Your Excellency Mr. Guterres,

If you, as the Secretary-General of the United Nations, are truly concerned about global peace and security, then exercise the power at your reach and use your tribune to not only officially condemn the Zionist regime for its genocide and war crimes, but also go beyond the words and take effective measures to cease the war in Gaza immediately and open up the Rafah Border Crossing for the transportation of all the necessary products for into Palestine, otherwise, resign and avoid staining your hand with any more blood.

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