
IUS News > Afghanistan


Afghan official says his country wants to expand trade with Iran

Afghan official says his country wants to expand trade with Iran

A senior official at the Taliban-ruled Ministry of Industry and Commerce in Afghanistan says that...

Iran envoy for Afghanistan holds ‘constructive’ talks with EU counterpart

Iran envoy for Afghanistan holds ‘constructive’ talks with EU counterpart

Iran's Special Envoy for Afghanistan Hassan Kazemi-Qomi says he has held “very constructive”...

Taliban say they assured Iran of mutual cooperation

Taliban say they assured Iran of mutual cooperation

 The Ministry of Defense of Taliban’s caretaker government in Afghanistan has announced its...

 Iran says no plans to build wall at Afghanistan border

Iran says no plans to build wall at Afghanistan border

Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi has dismissed rumors of building a border wall between...

Israel’s Drone Attack Against Iran Thwarted

Israel’s Drone Attack Against Iran Thwarted

Iranian Intelligence Ministry announced that Tehran in a joint operation with Afghanistan’s...

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