تاریخ انتشار: سه شنبه 1403/01/14 - 22:17
کد خبر: 500333

Iran Gives US ‘Important Message’ after Israeli Strike on Damascus: FM

Iran Gives US ‘Important Message’ after Israeli Strike on Damascus: FM

The Iranian foreign minister said the country has sent an “important message” to the US government and held it accountable as the sponsor of the Zionist regime, which has conducted a fatal strike on the consular section of Iran’s embassy in Syria

  to report «iusnews»; In a post on his X account in the wee hours of Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said an official of the embassy of Switzerland, which represents the interests of the US in Iran, was summoned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 12:45 am local time following the Israeli regime’s terrorist attack on the consular section of Iran’s embassy in Damascus that has resulted in the martyrdom of several official military advisers of Iran.

The dimensions of the terrorist attack and the Israeli regime’s crime have been explained as the Swiss diplomat was summoned to the Foreign Ministry, Amirabdollahian noted, adding that the US government has been held accountable.

“An important message has been sent to the US government as the sponsor of the Zionist regime. The US must be answerable,” the Iranian minister stated.

The Israeli regime’s warplanes launched a missile attack on the consular section of Iran’s embassy in Damascus on Monday evening, killing seven IRGC generals and military advisers.

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