تاریخ انتشار: چهارشنبه 1403/01/15 - 19:47
کد خبر: 500438

Pope Condemns Aid Worker Killings in Gaza,

Pope Condemns Aid Worker Killings in Gaza,

Pope Francis has issued a fresh appeal for peace in Gaza and Ukraine, denouncing the killing of aid workers in an Israeli air strike

 to report «iusnews»;  The pontiff expressed profound sorrow for the volunteers who lost their lives while engaged in humanitarian efforts in Gaza, stating, "I pray for them and their families," during his address. He reiterated his plea for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all captives, and unrestricted access for humanitarian aid, cautioning against the irresponsible escalation of hostilities.

Meanwhile, the American Near East Refugee Aid (Anera), among other humanitarian organizations, has opted to suspend operations in Gaza following the deaths of seven aid workers affiliated with World Central Kitchen. Sandra Rasheed, Anera’s Palestine country director, explained the decision, citing concerns for staff safety. "Our staff have guided our work, and they themselves feel like there’s a target on their backs," Rasheed stated in an interview with Al Jazeera.

Rasheed emphasized the difficulty of the decision, particularly given the worsening conditions for Palestinians. Anera had been providing approximately 150,000 hot meals daily. She expressed shock at the targeted nature of the attack, noting that three convoy vehicles were struck by separate bombs through their roofs.

"We are waiting to have some assurance from Israel and from the international community that doing this life-saving work will not constitute putting a target on our staff’s back," Rasheed concluded.

The toll of the recent casualties adds to a staggering figure, as reported by the Gaza Health Ministry, indicating that since October 7, a total of 32,975 individuals have been killed by the Israeli regime, with an additional 75,577 being wounded. Moreover, the crisis deepens with at least 8,000 individuals reported missing amidst the ongoing Israeli war.

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