2023-09-23 23:42
News Code: 482637

The professors of Iranian universities put forward;

5,800 university professors praised President Rayeesi speech at the United Nations

5,800 university professors praised President Rayeesi  speech at the United Nations

After years, expectations have finally come true and Iran, after a period of diplomatic passivity and deviating from the talents of the constitution in foreign policy and international relations, now the great nation of Iran is closer to its revolutionary and civilized foreign policy.

to report «iusnews»; 5,800 professors of the Islamic Azad University issued a statement praising the president's positions at the United Nations and emphasized: What happened in New York in recent days was an operation at the level of the great nation of Iran, which is the policy of combined attacks. Nazoor turned the enemy into an opportunity.

The full text of the statement is as follows:

in the name of God

He is the one who sent down peace in the hearts of the believers so that they may believe with their faith. Al-Laima Hakeema: He is the one who sent peace and tranquility in the hearts of the believers so that faith will increase in their faith, the army of the heavens and the earth belong to God, and God is All-Knowing and Wise (Fath, 4)

After years, expectations have finally come true and Iran, after a period of diplomatic passivity and deviating from the talents of the constitution in foreign policy and international relations, now the great nation of Iran is closer to its revolutionary and civilized foreign policy.

What happened in New York in recent days was an operation at the level of the great nation of Iran, which turned the emerging combined attacks policy of the enemy into an opportunity and for the first time in the last decade, advanced a combined counter-attack to the strategic depths of the enemy; The Battle of New York is a diplomatic operation with the coordinates of the second step of the Islamic Revolution, which is the beginning of the end of bureaucratic foreign policy.

The Battle of New York revealed that what Islamic Iran is pursuing in the world and on its agenda is not JCPOA negotiations, nor answers to the questions of international criminal investigators, nor even mere geopolitical competitions with its neighbors and international powers that represent the Islamic world. It is for the realization of civilizational approaches.

When the popular and revolutionary president announces the end of the Americanization of the world as the basis of the previous order in the United Nations General Assembly and calls liberal democracy claiming world management an example for nations; He called the human-building and community-building truth of the Qur'an unquenchable, and then, based on evidence and documentation, he called out that "you are the past" and we, along with other nations and independent governments, are "building the future";

On the other hand, the Islamic Republic of Iran, in order to strengthen the national power and prosperity of Iran, unlike the reactionary approach of the past, this time through foreign policy, but with revolutionary initiatives and skills, wise and dignifying one after another the presence of Iranians in non-American economic and social organizations. and non-western provided; He removed the blockades and self-sanctions from the nation and without joining the treaties of the dominion systems, he took back the property and stolen property from the hands of the American and European bandits and their followers, and in the help and preparation of the defenders of the shrine, border, Defense knowledge and technologies provided the ability of Iranians to protect their soil and beyond with the most advanced and rare and unique military equipment in the world.

He also chased the hypocrites, separatists and enemies of the nation from border to border and country to country, and for the first time provided the grounds for the collapse of the opposition camp, and also sent all the equations of America and the Zionist regime to the history museums to normalize relations with this fake regime. did

This national empowerment proceeded in such a way that despite the claims of the collapse of the system and the nation by some westernized intellectuals, a few infiltrations to universities, parties and celebrities from one year to the anniversary of the unrest of the immovable woman of Azadi's life; The Islamic Republic relies on God's eternal power, just like the good news that was revealed to the believers in the Battle of Badr and the Conquest of Mecca; Under the leadership of Imam Khamenei and the divine powers of the nation, Mustazhar entered the territory of the United States of America;

In the fear of the opposition coalition and the democratic and republican factions of the United States, the Iranian delegation headed by the brave and revolutionary president called a scientific, Islamic and national trial before the world and the representatives of American public opinion, especially against the murderers of the national and international hero of the fight against terrorism, Haj Qasim. Suleimani Quds Sar started and finished.

Basij Faculty Movement of Islamic Azad University with deep appreciation of Hazrat Ayatollah Raisi; The revolutionary president and the serving government for the great victories in New York, especially the announcement of the gratitude of the scientific and research community of Iran for the release of more than 3,500 civilizational tablets taken hostage by the scientific terrorism of the University of Chicago, America, that these victories and the proximity to the summit The progress of civilization in international relations is due to the attention of the president and the national government to the ideal slogans of the Islamic Revolution and the components of national identity, especially the doctrines of the eight-year sacred defense of Iranians against the Baath Party and the tyrannical powers of the East and West; A successful and rational strategy that is now expected to fully bear fruit in various areas of domestic politics, especially in the economic and cultural sectors.

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