2023-10-11 11:50
News Code: 484306

Iranian student: Al-Aqsa storm destroyed the foundations of the Israeli regime

Iranian student: Al-Aqsa storm destroyed the foundations of the Israeli regime

Ali Asghar Taman: Today, the countries that seek normalization with the Zionist regime must gradually accept that the future of the region and its stability will only be determined by the destruction of the fake regime.

to report «iusnews»; Ali Asghar Taman, the political officer of the student mobilization center of Azad University of the country, in a conversation with iusnews, discussed the major operation of Al-Aqsa Storm in occupied Palestine, which you will read below.

Al-Aqsa storm operation, derived from the resistance movement, is the important role of Palestinian youth in changing regional equations. Those who believed in the international community that the Zionist regime has a high military power and that no force can defeat the Zionist regime. Today, the Al-Aqsa storm operation has weakened the foundations of the fake Zionist regime in such a way that it is on the verge of destruction.

Al-Aqsa storm operation can be considered as the biggest resistance front operation in recent years, Palestinian youths with this operation and their jihad were able to create a new movement in the history of freedom struggles. Standing and resistance causes human and intellectual growth. One of the precious legacies that Imam Khomeini (RA) brought to us and the Islamic world was the resistance movement.

Today, the Palestinian youth, by standing up and resisting the current of global arrogance, especially the fake regime and its supporters, are in a position to play an important role in changing the political equations of the region and the world.

The positions of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the issue of Palestine and the Palestinian people are very clear and the Imams of the Islamic Revolution have fully addressed it. The fake Zionist regime is unable to deal with the Palestinian youth and Mujahideen of the Resistance Front, and has turned to killing homeless people, children, women and the elderly, and has turned off the water to the people of Gaza, just like the Yazidis.

Now, why are the claimants of human rights silent about the killing of homeless people, the bombing of hospitals and civilian centers, and the shutting off of water to the oppressed people of Gaza by the Zionist regime? In recent days, the Supreme Leader emphasized that normalization with the Zionist regime is like betting on a losing horse and doomed to failure.

Today, the countries that seek normalization with the Zionist regime must gradually accept that the future of the region and its stability will only be determined by the destruction of the fake regime.

The Zionist regime does not have the ability to provide its own security, so how can it provide the security of other countries in the region? The Al-Aqsa storm operation showed well that the intelligence and military service of the Poshali regime is highly weak both quantitatively and qualitatively. Taman reminded: Imam Khomeini (RA) considered the unity of the Muslims of the world and relying on the power of the people as the only way to save Palestine. Even today, unity and unity between Islamic countries is necessary to save Palestine.

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