2024-01-25 15:59
News Code: 494443

Iran Underscores UN Failure in Stopping Israel’s War Machine in Gaza

Iran Underscores UN Failure in Stopping Israel’s War Machine in Gaza

 Iranian President Seyed Ebrahim Rayeesin lashed out at the US and certain European states for backing Israel during the ongoing war in the besieged Gaza Strip, and further underlined that the United Nations and other global bodies have all failed to end the bloody conflict.

to report «iusnews»; Iranian President Seyed Ebrahim Rayeesi lashed out at the US and certain European states for backing Israel during the ongoing war in the besieged Gaza Strip, and further underlined that the United Nations and other global bodies have all failed to end the bloody conflict.

“Those who claim to defend human rights and whose mission is to defend global peace have been on the sidelines and are no longer effective," Rayeesi said during a joint presser with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday.

He stressed that international organizations have failed the test of Gaza and showed “they’re no longer effective”, adding the world should move toward forming new mechanisms to deal with threats to global security and stability.

The president also called on Arab and Muslim nations to immediately cut ties with Israel and disrupt its financial lifelines to force the regime to stop its violence in the besieged enclave.

President Rayeesi also said it’s “a tragedy” that the US is officially supporting the Israeli genocide and is practically complicit in the war.

“In fact, it is the United States that commits these crimes, and it is more unfortunate that the unions, international organizations, and the United Nations have lost their effectiveness and are unable to prevent the crimes that have become clear to everyone,” he stated.

Israel has been carrying out heavy bombardment across the Gaza Strip since early October, killing more than 25,700 Palestinians, including thousands of children and women, and wounding over 63,800 others, and levelling entire neighbourhoods. Thousands more are missing and feared buried under the rubble.

The United States has been providing Israel with unconditional military and political support in its onslaught against Gaza, arming Tel Aviv with more than 10,000 tons of military hardware. The US has also torpedoed the prospect of cessation of the Israeli aggression by stonewalling ratification of all UN Security Council resolutions that have been calling for a permanent ceasefire in the Israeli assault.

Iranian officials say the United States is waging a war on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip through Israel, and stress if Washington’s political and military aid to Zionists is cut off, the regime won’t be able to proceed its military campaign against the blockaded territory.

Iranian officials have repeatedly called on the international bodies to adopt serious and deterrent measures to prevent further Israeli regime’s crimes against Gazans, instead of issuing statements.

Erdogan, for his part, said he discussed with Rayeesi the need for cessation of Israel's “inhumane” attacks on the blockaded territory and the urgency of just and permanent peace.

The Turkish president added they also agreed on the importance of avoiding steps that would further threaten security, and stability of our region, referring to the Israeli onslaught on Gaza.

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