to report «iusnews»; From the time of Hamid Nouri's arrest to the completion of the so-called investigation and the presentation of the indictment for the court hearing, it took about two years, and during this entire time, the Iranian citizen was in solitary confinement, which indicates that he was released without the need for Pass and save. It has been done against the principle of acquittal.
The Office for Consolidation Unity condemned the unfair sentence of the Swedish court for Mr. Hamid Nouri in a statement which is detailed below:
In November 2018, a court in Sweden issues an arrest warrant for an Iranian citizen named Hamid Nouri (an ordinary employee of the judiciary who retired since 1991 and has been working as a self-employed) in charges of crimes against humanity. Hamid Nouri, who is going to Sweden at the invitation of one of his friends, when he entered the country, this time, unlike before, he was arrested by Swedish agents at Stockholm airport, not with a warm welcome from his friend. After his arrest, he was in solitary confinement for several months and his family did not hear from him during this time.
The plaintiffs in Hamid Nouri's case were members of the terrorist group of the hypocrites, people whose hands are stained with the blood of more than seventeen thousand innocent Iranians. In the Swedish judicial authority's indictment, Hamid Nouri's accusations, violation of fair trial are mentioned as war crimes and intentional murder, and the historical events of 1988 are evidence for both of these titles. In fact, the subject of the complaint is that Hamid Nouri participated in the murder of members of the Mojahedin-E-Khalgh organization in the summer of 1988 through the execution of members of this organization.
The aforementioned explanation had a brief reference to the history of his arrest, but further mentioning some points about the fabricated charges against Mr. Hamid Nouri and the proceedings of his case opens up the confusing tangle of this case.
From the time of Hamid Nouri's arrest to the completion of the so-called investigation and presentation of the indictment for the court session, it took about two years, and during all this time, the Iranian citizen has been in solitary confinement, which indicates that his arrest was without justifiable reasons. And it was against the principle of acquittal, in fact the prosecutor first arrested the person and then sought to gather evidence; While according to the mentioned principle, the exact opposite of what happened should have been done. The main duty of the prosecutor is to prosecute only on the basis of fully justified, believable, reasonable and acceptable evidence, and not to arrest and imprison a person for a long time based on undocumented allegations.
The process that we witnessed regarding the trial of Mr. Nouri shows the contradiction in the behavior and claims of the judicial officials of the Swedish government. Sweden is one of the countries that has always claimed human rights and has always tried to criticize different countries about respecting human rights, but in this case, it has become the main violator of human rights principles. The impossibility of meeting for 25 months, being in solitary confinement, being tied up with a mentally ill person, not having access to a doctor and an ophthalmologist, not having access to the bills and documents needed for defense in court, confiscation of Hamid Nouri's belongings, and the alleged loss of documents. Among the cases of violation of their primary and basic rights in the shadow of false claims of humanitarian rights of the Swedish government.
The process of proceedings and investigation regarding the charges against Mr. Nouri by the prosecutor and the court is objectionable , so that by studying the actions of the prosecutor of the case and the court, we see that the principles of equality and fairness are not observed in the investigation. For example, based on the necessity of hearing the testimony of the plaintiffs' witnesses, the court issues an order to follow up the investigation and the presence of the judicial officers in Albania, while Hamid Nouri, when referring to the testimony of the witnesses of his innocence, stated that: "It is possible if they are also present. If they are found, they will be arrested." and the court does not conduct any type of investigation in Iran regarding the guilt or innocence of Hamid Nouri. Therefore, we believe that the investigation in this case was completely one-sided and outside the principle of neutrality of the judge or prosecutor.
The Swedish government claims to have arrested Nouri for human rights purposes, but this claim is entirely based on the testimony of the members of the terrorist group, who claim that this person was their jailer. Nevertheless, assuming the truth of the false claim of the hypocrites, there is still a serious objection to the Swedish judicial system, how can they arrest and file a case against a retired member of the Iranian judicial system who has no role in decision-making?!
It is quite clear that the case was set up with political goals from the beginning, and Mr. Hamid Nouri is not the target, but the Islamic Republic of Iran is the object of the enemies' hatred. It seems that those who should be tried in courts under the title of crimes against humanity and answer for their crimes have become human rights advocates and demand its principles. It is unfortunate that the Swedish government and its judicial system have become the playthings of terrorist organizations and support them.
The numerous crimes of the terrorist organization of the hypocrites and the support of the Swedish government in supporting the leaders of these groups have not been erased from the memory of the Iranian nation; Not much time has passed since the terrorist incident in Ahvaz in Shahrivar 2017, led by the Al-Ahvazia terrorist group, whose members were stationed in the so-called Swedish government claiming human rights and enjoyed the facilities and facilities of that country. So, if a fair trial is held to deal with crimes against humanity, the first-line defendants in the case will be the same terrorist groups and the governments that support them.
Finally, it is expected that the diplomatic and judicial system of the country will use all available capacities and for the release and vindication of the rights of Mr. Hamid Nouri; The citizens of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran should take action and also use the existing capacities to provide the ground for the trial and audit of the fraudsters of history and take the flow of narration from the hands of the terrorists so that history is not distorted.