2024-07-31 17:28
News Code: 512507

The message of the students of Khwarazmi University of Iran following the martyrdom of Haniyeh

The message of the students of Khwarazmi University of Iran following the martyrdom of Haniyeh

The student mobilization of Khwarazmi University strongly condemns this action and demands that the exact dimensions of this crime be determined by the enemies and the usurping and criminal regime, so that the child-killing regime and its allies are punished for their actions.

to report «iusnews»; Following the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas, in the capital of Iran, the student mobilization of Khorazmi University issued a message.

The full text of this message is as follows:

Among the believers are those who are true to what Allah has promised, and among them are those who are waiting and those who change A (Book of the Qur'an)

The Student Mobilization of Khwarazmi University offers its condolences to Imam Zaman (A.S.), the leader of the revolution and the axis of the resistance, on the martyrdom of the great leader of the Resistance Front and the great fighter of the Palestinian cause, Ismail Haniyeh.

The student mobilization of Khwarazmi University strongly condemns this action and demands that the exact dimensions of this crime be determined by the enemies and the usurping and criminal regime, so that the child-killing regime and its allies are punished for their actions.

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